The Gibsons Legion was chartered June 14th, 1930. For members this is YOUR Legion. Our most important mission is to serve Veterans, including serving military and RCMP members and their families, to promote Remembrance of our fallen comrades, and to give back and serve our communities and our country.
By being a member and paying dues to your local Legion branch, you help the Legion support Veterans and their families in need. Anyone can join the Legion (it is open to the public 18+) to help make a difference and every one who becomes a member is a part of our amazing, supportive community.
The Royal Canadian Legion was founded by Veterans and for Veterans. We advocate for the care and benefits of all who served Canada, regardless of when or where they served. The Legion also provides representation and assistance to Veterans, including those currently serving Canadian Armed Forces and RCMP, and their families and access to our services is available to them at no cost, whether or not they are Legion members. The Legion helps thousands of Veterans across Canada each year and makes significant positive changes in their lives.
The Legion understands the importance of honouring past sacrifices and acknowledging the courage of those who served and still serve today. Through Remembrance Day ceremonies, the Poppy campaign, commemorative activities, youth education (both within and outside of school) programs and more, the Legion helps Canadians to honour, recognize and remember those that helped make and keep our country proud, free and strong! The Legion touches many hearts and has become Canada's way to connecting with our Veterans & fallen.
Legion Branches have become the cornerstone of communities, large and small, across Canada and provide one of the largest volunteer bases in the country. With 1,350 Branches from coast to coast to coast, our members provide local services and support toward building a stronger Canada. Whether helping local Veterans, supporting seniors, providing youth sports programs, raising funds, volunteering to help those in need, or simply offering a place to gather for fun and celebration, Legionnaires provide essential services in their communities.
Our Legion, (as are all across the nation) relies on groups of dedicated, giving, supportive volunteers... both as executive members and the many hands that make this legion work efficiently and fulfill the needs of the veterans, members & community. Below you will find the current executive listed.
Be A Part Of Our Legion...
You don’t have to be a Veteran to support a Veteran. Any Canadian or citizen of an Allied nation 18 years of age or older is welcome to join and help us help Canada’s Veterans. Annual membership fees are $65 and $55 (for age 65 and over if renewing or joining at the Legion) per year. The benefits to our community, our veterans and their families... priceless!